Spring 2025

PSY-P357: Thinking Like Machines
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (course members only)
This course is designed to help you think the way a computer does: to break a big problem down into smaller parts and then use logic and a systematic approach to achieve solutions. It will provide skills that will help you in your future classes and help you think more clearly about our increasingly technologically-saturated world. You'll be empowered to explore and learn about a range of technologies that will benefit you in in school, research, and your future career. These same skills will also make it easier to understand how computers work and by the end of the course you will be comfortable writing your own small computer programs. It is intended for first- and second-year undergraduate students with no prior programming experience. This is not a course focused on teaching you how to program in a specific language, rather, it will teach you how think about programming so that you can pick up whatever programming language you need much more quickly in the future.

PSY-K300: Statistical Techniques
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (enrolled students only)
Additional Statistics Resources
Many students think of K300 as a math course. While it is true that we will perform some calculations along the way, this course is not about the math. We would consider this class a failure if what you learned to do was to plug numbers into arbitrary formulas for unknown reasons in order to generate meaningless answers. Instead, we want you to think about the underlying logic and principles of statistical analysis so that you understand what the numbers tell you (and what they don't tell you), not just how to generate them.
Past Semesters
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (course members only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (course members only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (enrolled students only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (course members only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (enrolled students only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (course members only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (course members only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (enrolled students only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (course members only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (enrolled students only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (course members only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (course members only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (enrolled students only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (course members only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (enrolled students only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (course members only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (course members only)
Syllabus and schedule
Course Canvas site (enrolled students only)
Course Canvas site (course members only)
Syllabus and schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Section #33986, Tue 11:15 am – 12:30 pm in PY 230
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Honors Lab Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Lecture Schedule
Canvas Site (course members only)
Syllabus and Schedule
Syllabus and Schedule
Lecture Schedule
Syllabus and Schedule
Honors Section Syllabus
Syllabus and Schedule
Syllabus and Schedule
Syllabus and Schedule
Syllabus and Schedule