Statistics Resources

Many students think of K300 as a math course. While it is true that statistics uses math, I think that focusing on the computations and formulas is a mistake. Students often get bogged down in the math and miss the beautiful bigger picture about the insights statistical analysis can provide. When I teach statistics, I focus on the underlying concepts—the logic and principles—of statistical analysis and downplay the mathmatical formalties whenever possible. I am not overly concerned with whether students know the formulas or can do the math, we have software for that now. I am far more concerned with students' ability to think about the proper type of analysis to run and to understand what that analysis is (and just as importantly is not) telling us about our data.

If you are a member of my K300 class this semester, you should go to our course site on Canvas. That is the one-stop-shop for all videos, resources, assignments, and announcements for course members.

If you are not currently enrolled in my statistics class, please take advantage of the resources below and/or contact me if you have questions or comments.

Statistics Resources